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“⛓️” Meaning: chains Emoji

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⛓️ Meaning and Description
Chain⛓️The chain emoji symbolizes connection and restraint. It is mainly used to indicate security🔒, bondage🔗, and a strong connection. This emoji is useful for expressing protection or a strong bond.

ㆍRelated Emojis 🔗 Link, 🔒 Locked Lock, 🛠️ Tool

Chain emoji | chains emoji | chained emoji | bondage emoji | bundled emoji | bound emoji
⛓️ Examples and Usage
ㆍI want to show a strong bond⛓️
ㆍThis link cannot be broken⛓️
ㆍUse it to increase security⛓️

⛓️ Emoji Of Social Media
⛓️ Information
Emoji: ⛓️
Short Name:chains
Apple Name:Chains
Code Point:U+26D3 FE0F COPY
Category1:⌚ Objects
Category2:⛏️ tool
Keyword:chain | chains
Chain emoji | chains emoji | chained emoji | bondage emoji | bundled emoji | bound emoji
See Also 11
🤝 handshake COPY
📎 paperclip COPY
🔏 locked with pen COPY
🔐 locked with key COPY
🔑 key COPY
🔒 locked COPY
🔓 unlocked COPY
🔗 link COPY
🔩 nut and bolt COPY
🧷 safety pin COPY
no entry COPY
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