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“➖” Meaning: minus Emoji

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Meaning and Description
Subtraction symbol ➖
➖ This emoji is a symbol that represents subtraction or reduction. It is mainly used when talking about math📉, calculations🧮, negative changes🔻, etc. This is useful for emphasizing subtraction operations or reductions.

ㆍRelated emojis ➕ plus sign, ✖️ multiplication sign, ➗ division sign

Subtraction emoji | subtraction emoji | math emoji | decrease emoji | minus emoji | delete emoji
Examples and Usage
ㆍLet's take this out ➖
ㆍWe don't want negative changes ➖
ㆍWe need to reduce costs ➖

Emoji Of Social Media
Short Name:minus
Apple Name:minus symbol
Code Point:U+2796 COPY
Category1:🛑 Symbols
Category2:✖️ math
Keyword:- | − | math | minus | sign
Subtraction emoji | subtraction emoji | math emoji | decrease emoji | minus emoji | delete emoji
See Also 8
🏥 hospital COPY
💻 laptop COPY
🔋 battery COPY
🧮 abacus COPY
♀️ female sign COPY
plus COPY
divide COPY
red question mark COPY