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“🦜” Meaning: parrot Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-bird

🦜 Meaning and Description
Parrot 🦜Parrots are birds that symbolize intelligence and uniqueness, and are famous for their ability to imitate human speech. This emoji is often used in conversations to express intelligence🧠, flashiness🌈, and communication🗣️. Parrots live mainly in tropical areas, and many people keep them as pets.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐦 bird, 🌴 palm tree, 🦢 swan

Parrot emoji | colorful bird emoji | talking parrot emoji | cute parrot emoji | multi-colored parrot emoji | parrot face emoji
🦜 Examples and Usage
ㆍThe parrot is repeating what I say 🦜
ㆍI want to live as splendidly as a parrot 🦜
ㆍThe intelligence of parrots is amazing 🦜

🦜 Emoji Of Social Media
🦜 Information
Emoji: 🦜
Short Name:parrot
Code Point:U+1F99C COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐓 animal-bird
Keyword:bird | parrot | pirate | talk
Parrot emoji | colorful bird emoji | talking parrot emoji | cute parrot emoji | multi-colored parrot emoji | parrot face emoji
See Also 21
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🐤 baby chick COPY
🐥 front-facing baby chick COPY
🐦 bird COPY
🐧 penguin COPY
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🦆 duck COPY
🦉 owl COPY
🦚 peacock COPY
🦢 swan COPY
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