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“🧲” Meaning: magnet Emoji

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🧲 Meaning and Description
Magnet🧲Magnet represents the force of attracting objects and is used in situations related to attraction✨, attraction🌀, and science🔬. This emoji can also symbolize pulling something or making a strong connection. Often used in science classes🧪 or in educational contexts.

ㆍRelated emojis 🔧 spanner, 🧰 tool box, 🧪 experiment

Magnet emoji | magnet emoji | attraction emoji | physical emoji | science emoji | electricity emoji
🧲 Examples and Usage
ㆍWe did a science experiment using a magnet🧲
ㆍThe magnet🧲 is really powerful
ㆍWe collected metal using the magnet🧲

🧲 Emoji Of Social Media
🧲 Information
Emoji: 🧲
Short Name:magnet
Code Point:U+1F9F2 COPY
Category1:⌚ Objects
Category2:⛏️ tool
Keyword:attraction | horseshoe | magnet | magnetic
Magnet emoji | magnet emoji | attraction emoji | physical emoji | science emoji | electricity emoji
See Also 11
🤖 robot COPY
🧭 compass COPY
high voltage COPY
🔋 battery COPY
🔌 electric plug COPY
💡 light bulb COPY
🔦 flashlight COPY
💳 credit card COPY
🔧 wrench COPY
🔩 nut and bolt COPY
Libra COPY
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