“🧑🏽🦽➡️” მნიშვნელობა: person in manual wheelchair facing right: medium skin tone Emoji
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🧑🏽🦽➡️ მნიშვნელობა და აღწერა
Person in a manual wheelchair and arrow 🧑🏽🦽➡️The person in a manual wheelchair and arrow emoji represents a person using a manual wheelchair moving to the right. This emoji mainly symbolizes movement🚶, direction➡️, and accessibility, and is used to express movement situations related to people with disabilities.
ㆍRelated Emoji 🧑🏽🦽 Person in manual wheelchair, ➡️ arrow, ♿️ wheelchair
ㆍRelated Emoji 🧑🏽🦽 Person in manual wheelchair, ➡️ arrow, ♿️ wheelchair
Wheelchair emoji | wheelchair user emoji | movement emoji | disabled person emoji | wheelchair right emoji | walking aid emoji: brown skin tone
🧑🏽🦽➡️ მაგალითები და გამოყენება
ㆍWe need to create a society where everyone can move freely🧑🏽🦽➡️
ㆍWe are moving to improve accessibility🧑🏽🦽➡️
ㆍWe need to receive support for independence🧑🏽🦽➡️
ㆍWe are moving to improve accessibility🧑🏽🦽➡️
ㆍWe need to receive support for independence🧑🏽🦽➡️
🧑🏽🦽➡️ სოციალური მედიის ემოჯი
🧑🏽🦽➡️ ძირითადი ინფორმაცია
Emoji: | 🧑🏽🦽➡️ |
მოკლე სახელი: | person in manual wheelchair facing right: medium skin tone |
კოდი წერტილი: | U+1F9D1 1F3FD 200D 1F9BD 200D 27A1 FE0F კოპირება |
კატეგორია: | 👌 People & Body |
ქვეკატეგორია: | 🏃 person-activity |
საკვანძო სიტყვა: | |
Wheelchair emoji | wheelchair user emoji | movement emoji | disabled person emoji | wheelchair right emoji | walking aid emoji: brown skin tone |