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“🐊” Meaning: crocodile Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-reptile

🐊 Meaning and Description
Crocodile 🐊
🐊 represents a crocodile, mainly symbolizing danger and strength. This emoji is used to express adventure🗺️, survival🌿, and protection. Crocodiles are depicted as powerful beings and are seen as a symbol of survival in nature. This emoji is used to emphasize threatening situations or strong will.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐉 dragon, 🐍 snake, 🐢 turtle

Alligator emoji | strong alligator emoji | alligator in water emoji | sharp teeth alligator emoji | big animal emoji | alligator face emoji
🐊 Examples and Usage
ㆍYou must have a strong vitality like a crocodile🐊
ㆍLet’s take risks🐊
ㆍYour strength is amazing🐊

🐊 Emoji Of Social Media
🐊 Information
Emoji: 🐊
Short Name:crocodile
Code Point:U+1F40A COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐍 animal-reptile
Alligator emoji | strong alligator emoji | alligator in water emoji | sharp teeth alligator emoji | big animal emoji | alligator face emoji
See Also 16
🐃 water buffalo COPY
🐘 elephant COPY
🦁 lion COPY
🦌 deer COPY
🦏 rhinoceros COPY
🦒 giraffe COPY
🦓 zebra COPY
🦘 kangaroo COPY
🦛 hippopotamus COPY
🐸 frog COPY
🐉 dragon COPY
🐍 snake COPY
🐢 turtle COPY
🦎 lizard COPY
🦕 sauropod COPY
🦖 T-Rex COPY