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“🐼” Meaning: panda Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-mammal

🐼 Meaning and Description
Panda 🐼Panda is an iconic animal of China, mainly living in bamboo forests. This emoji is often used in conversations to express cuteness😍, peace🕊️, and nature🍃. Pandas are often recognized as internationally protected animals.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐨 Koala, 🎋 Bamboo, 🐻 Bear

Panda emoji | cute panda emoji | Chinese animal emoji | panda eating bamboo emoji | big animal emoji | panda face emoji
🐼 Examples and Usage
ㆍThe panda is eating bamboo 🐼
ㆍI saw a panda at the zoo 🐼
ㆍI want to live in peace like a panda 🐼

🐼 Emoji Of Social Media
🐼 Information
Emoji: 🐼
Short Name:panda
Apple Name:panda face
Code Point:U+1F43C COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐀 animal-mammal
Keyword:face | panda
Panda emoji | cute panda emoji | Chinese animal emoji | panda eating bamboo emoji | big animal emoji | panda face emoji
See Also 19
😀 grinning face COPY
😬 grimacing face COPY
🤓 nerd face COPY
🐨 koala COPY
🐫 two-hump camel COPY
🐭 mouse face COPY
🐯 tiger face COPY
🐱 cat face COPY
🐵 monkey face COPY
🐶 dog face COPY
🐹 hamster COPY
🐻 bear COPY
🦁 lion COPY
🦓 zebra COPY
🦝 raccoon COPY
🦡 badger COPY
🍃 leaf fluttering in wind COPY
🧸 teddy bear COPY
🇨🇳 flag: China COPY
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