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“🔛” Meaning: ON! arrow Emoji

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🔛 Meaning and Description
On 🔛This emoji represents the on state, usually meaning that some feature is activated or connected. For example, it is used to indicate that an electronic device or network is turned on.

ㆍRelated Emojis 🔝 Best, ➡️ Right Arrow, ⬆️ Up Arrow

On emoji | Start emoji | Progress emoji | Active emoji | Activation emoji | Transition emoji
🔛 Examples and Usage
ㆍThis feature is turned on🔛
ㆍYou are connected🔛
ㆍThe network is activated🔛

🔛 Emoji Of Social Media
🔛 Information
Emoji: 🔛
Short Name:ON! arrow
Apple Name:on! arrow
Code Point:U+1F51B COPY
Category1:🛑 Symbols
Category2:↩️ arrow
Keyword:ON | ON! | ON! arrow | arrow | mark | on
On emoji | Start emoji | Progress emoji | Active emoji | Activation emoji | Transition emoji
See Also 9
💋 kiss mark COPY
💻 laptop COPY
📺 television COPY
📩 envelope with arrow COPY
🔙 BACK arrow COPY
🔚 END arrow COPY
🔜 SOON arrow COPY
🔝 TOP arrow COPY
🎦 cinema COPY
🔛 More Languages
LanguagesShort Name & Link
العربية 🔛 سهم تشغيل
Azərbaycan 🔛 aktivdir! oxu
Български 🔛 стрелка с „on!“
বাংলা 🔛 অন! তীর
Bosanski 🔛 strelica za uključeno
Čeština 🔛 šipky s nápisem ON!
Dansk 🔛 ON!-dobbeltpil
Deutsch 🔛 ON!-Pfeil
Ελληνικά 🔛 βέλος ON!
English 🔛 ON! arrow
Español 🔛 flecha ON!
Eesti 🔛 nool ON!
فارسی 🔛 پیکان روشن
Suomi 🔛 ON!-nuoli
Filipino 🔛 on! arrow
Français 🔛 flèche Activé
עברית 🔛 חץ פועל!
हिन्दी 🔛 on! तीर
Hrvatski 🔛 strelica s natpisom "on!"
Magyar 🔛 bekapcsolva nyíl
Bahasa Indonesia 🔛 tanda panah ON!
Italiano 🔛 freccia ON
日本語 🔛 ON矢印
ქართველი 🔛 ისარი on!
Қазақ 🔛 «қосулы» көрсеткісі
한국어 🔛 켜짐
Kurdî 🔛 Li
Lietuvių 🔛 rodyklė su užrašu „On!“
Latviešu 🔛 bultiņa ar uzrakstu On!
Bahasa Melayu 🔛 anak panah ON!
ဗမာ 🔛 ဖွင့်ထားခြင်းပြ မြား သင်္ကေတ
Bokmål 🔛 ON!-pil
Nederlands 🔛 ON!-pijl
Polski 🔛 strzałka z napisem ON!
پښتو 🔛 پر
Português 🔛 seta "ON!"
Română 🔛 săgeată cu textul ON!
Русский 🔛 стрелка «активно»
سنڌي 🔛 تي
Slovenčina 🔛 šípka ON!
Slovenščina 🔛 puščica NAPREJ!
Shqip 🔛 shigjeta aktive!
Српски 🔛 стрелица за укључено
Svenska 🔛 ON! med pil höger och vänster ovanför
ภาษาไทย 🔛 เปิด
Türkçe 🔛 açık oku
Українська 🔛 стрілка [ON!]
اردو 🔛 پر
Tiếng Việt 🔛 mũi tên ON!
简体中文 🔛 ON! 箭头
繁體中文 🔛 ON