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“🥔” Meaning: potato Emoji

Home > Food & Drink > food-vegetable

🥔 Meaning and Description
Potato 🥔The potato emoji represents the versatile potato vegetable. Potatoes are used in fries🍟, mashed potatoes, and various other dishes🍲. This emoji is often used in conversations related to agriculture🚜, cooking👨‍🍳, and home cooking🥘.

ㆍRelated Emoji 🍟 French Fries, 🍲 Stew, 🥘 Mashed Potatoes

Potato emoji | potato egg emoji | cooking ingredient emoji | French fry ingredients emoji | healthy food emoji | carbohydrate emoji
🥔 Examples and Usage
ㆍTonight's dinner is French fries🍟
ㆍWould you like to cook potatoes🥔?
ㆍI put potatoes in the stew🥔

🥔 Emoji Of Social Media
🥔 Information
Emoji: 🥔
Short Name:potato
Code Point:U+1F954 COPY
Category1:🍓 Food & Drink
Category2:🥬 food-vegetable
Keyword:food | potato | vegetable
Potato emoji | potato egg emoji | cooking ingredient emoji | French fry ingredients emoji | healthy food emoji | carbohydrate emoji
See Also 21
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