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“🦬” Meaning: bison Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-mammal

🦬 Meaning and Description
Bison 🦬Bison is an animal that mainly lives in the prairies of North America, and symbolizes strength and freedom. This emoji is often used in conversations to express nature🌾, strength💪, and free spirit🌬️. Bison play an important role in history and are animals that require protection.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐃 buffalo, 🐂 bull, 🌾 prairie

Bison emoji | big animal emoji | wild bison emoji | mighty bison emoji | farm animal emoji | bison face emoji
🦬 Examples and Usage
ㆍA bison is running on the prairie 🦬
ㆍI want to become strong like a bison 🦬
ㆍThe freedom of a bison is awesome 🦬

🦬 Emoji Of Social Media
🦬 Information
Emoji: 🦬
Short Name:bison
Code Point:U+1F9AC COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐀 animal-mammal
Keyword:bison | buffalo | herd | wisent
Bison emoji | big animal emoji | wild bison emoji | mighty bison emoji | farm animal emoji | bison face emoji
See Also 8
🐂 ox COPY
🐃 water buffalo COPY
🐄 cow COPY
🐗 boar COPY
🐘 elephant COPY
🦌 deer COPY
🦏 rhinoceros COPY
🦛 hippopotamus COPY
🦬 More Languages