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“🪲” Meaning: beetle Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-bug

🪲 Meaning and Description
Beetle 🪲This emoji represents a beetle, an insect that plays an important role in nature🌿 and the ecosystem🌍. Beetles often symbolize protection🛡️ and transformation🔄. Beetles are often used by insect collectors or people interested in insects.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐞 ladybug, 🐜 ant, 🦗 grasshopper

Beetle emoji | small insect emoji | wild animal emoji | cute beetle emoji | insect face emoji | beetle-shaped emoji
🪲 Examples and Usage
ㆍI'm glad I found a beetle🪲
ㆍI found a beetle in the garden🪲
ㆍThe kids are observing the beetle🪲

🪲 Emoji Of Social Media
🪲 Information
Emoji: 🪲
Short Name:beetle
Code Point:U+1FAB2 COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐛 animal-bug
Keyword:beetle | bug | insect
Beetle emoji | small insect emoji | wild animal emoji | cute beetle emoji | insect face emoji | beetle-shaped emoji
See Also 7
🐛 bug COPY
🐞 lady beetle COPY
🦗 cricket COPY
🌱 seedling COPY
🌲 evergreen tree COPY
🌳 deciduous tree COPY
🌾 sheaf of rice COPY
🪲 More Languages