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“🪳” Meaning: cockroach Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-bug

🪳 Meaning and Description
Cockroach 🪳This emoji represents a cockroach, and usually symbolizes an unclean environment🧹, pests🐜, fear😱, etc. Cockroaches are generally considered something to be avoided and are often used in conversations related to pest management.

ㆍRelated emojis 🐜 ant, 🪲 beetle, 🐛 caterpillar

Cockroach emoji | small insect emoji | wild animal emoji | cute cockroach emoji | insect face emoji | cockroach-shaped emoji
🪳 Examples and Usage
ㆍI saw a cockroach in the kitchen🪳
ㆍGet ready to catch the cockroach🪳
ㆍThe cockroach came out at night🪳

🪳 Emoji Of Social Media
🪳 Information
Emoji: 🪳
Short Name:cockroach
Code Point:U+1FAB3 COPY
Category1:🐵 Animals & Nature
Category2:🐛 animal-bug
Keyword:cockroach | insect | pest | roach
Cockroach emoji | small insect emoji | wild animal emoji | cute cockroach emoji | insect face emoji | cockroach-shaped emoji
See Also 7
🤢 nauseated face COPY
😱 face screaming in fear COPY
🐛 bug COPY
🐞 lady beetle COPY
🦗 cricket COPY
🏠 house COPY
🏡 house with garden COPY