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“🫧” Meaning: bubbles Emoji

Home > Objects > household

🫧 Meaning and Description
The bubble 🫧
🫧 emoji represents a soap bubble, mainly symbolizing cleanliness🧼 and play🎈. This emoji is used in situations related to bathing🛁, laundry🧺, cleaning🧽, etc., and is also often used to express light play or fun. It is also used to emphasize purity or a clean image.

ㆍRelated emojis 🛁 bathtub, 🧼 soap, 🎈 balloon

Soap bubble emoji | bubble emoji | washing emoji | hygiene emoji | bath emoji | play emoji
🫧 Examples and Usage
ㆍI played bubbles🫧 with the kids.

🫧 Emoji Of Social Media
🫧 Information
Emoji: 🫧
Short Name:bubbles
Code Point:U+1FAE7 COPY
Category1:⌚ Objects
Category2:🚽 household
Keyword:bubbles | burp | clean | soap | underwater
Soap bubble emoji | bubble emoji | washing emoji | hygiene emoji | bath emoji | play emoji
See Also 15
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