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“🐛” މާނަ: bug Emoji

Home > Animals & Nature > animal-bug

🐛 މާނަ އަދި ތަޢާރަފު
Caterpillar 🐛
🐛 represents a caterpillar, mainly symbolizing transformation and growth. This emoji is used to express nature🍃, change🔄, and hope. A caterpillar is the stage before transformation into a butterfly, signifying growth. This emoji is used to emphasize change or new beginnings.

ㆍRelated emojis 🦋 butterfly, 🐌 snail, 🐜 ant

Caterpillar emoji | cute caterpillar emoji | small animal emoji | slow caterpillar emoji | insect emoji | caterpillar face emoji
🐛 ބައްދަލުކުރަން މިވަގުތައް
ㆍI'm growing like a caterpillar🐛
ㆍIt's time for change🐛
ㆍLet's prepare for a new beginning🐛

🐛 އެމޯޖިއްޔާ އަދި އެއްމީ އެމޯޖިއްޔާ
🐛 އައްތަރާފް
Emoji: 🐛
ކުރި ނަމަ:bug
ކޯޑް ޕޮއިންޓް:U+1F41B ކޮޕީ
ކެޓެގަރީ:🐵 Animals & Nature
ސަބްކެޓެގަރީ:🐛 animal-bug
ކީވޯޑް:bug | insect
Caterpillar emoji | cute caterpillar emoji | small animal emoji | slow caterpillar emoji | insect emoji | caterpillar face emoji
ބަދަލުކުރަން 15
🐸 frog ކޮޕީ
🦎 lizard ކޮޕީ
🐌 snail ކޮޕީ
🐜 ant ކޮޕީ
🐝 honeybee ކޮޕީ
🐞 lady beetle ކޮޕީ
🦂 scorpion ކޮޕީ
🦋 butterfly ކޮޕީ
🦗 cricket ކޮޕީ
🦟 mosquito ކޮޕީ
🦠 microbe ކޮޕީ
🍂 fallen leaf ކޮޕީ
🏡 house with garden ކޮޕީ
🔬 microscope ކޮޕީ
🧫 petri dish ކޮޕީ
🐛 އެދި ބައެއްކުރާ ބަޔަކަށް