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“💅” މާނަ: nail polish Emoji

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💅 މާނަ އަދި ތަޢާރަފު
Applying Nail Polish💅This emoji depicts applying nail polish to one's nails and is often used to express self-care💄, beauty💅, or fashion. It is often used in nail art or beauty-related conversations. It is used to represent beauty and self-care.

ㆍRelated emojis 💄 lipstick, 👠 high heels, 💇‍♀️ haircut

Nail art emoji | nail care emoji | manicure emoji | painting nails emoji | fashion emoji | beauty emoji
💅 ބައްދަލުކުރަން މިވަގުތައް
ㆍI went to the nail salon💅
ㆍI applied new nail polish💅
ㆍShall we decorate today?💅

💅 އެމޯޖިއްޔާ އަދި އެއްމީ އެމޯޖިއްޔާ
💅 އައްތަރާފް
Emoji: 💅
ކުރި ނަމަ:nail polish
ކޯޑް ޕޮއިންޓް:U+1F485 ކޮޕީ
ކެޓެގަރީ:👌 People & Body
ސަބްކެޓެގަރީ:✍️ hand-prop
ކީވޯޑް:care | cosmetics | manicure | nail | polish
Nail art emoji | nail care emoji | manicure emoji | painting nails emoji | fashion emoji | beauty emoji
ބަދަލުކުރަން 10
🙄 face with rolling eyes ކޮޕީ
💯 hundred points ކޮޕީ
💁 person tipping hand ކޮޕީ
💆 person getting massage ކޮޕީ
💇 person getting haircut ކޮޕީ
🧖 person in steamy room ކޮޕީ
🛀 person taking bath ކޮޕީ
🐆 leopard ކޮޕީ
💈 barber pole ކޮޕީ
💄 lipstick ކޮޕީ
💅 އެދި ބައެއްކުރާ ބަޔަކަށް
ބަޔަކުރި ނަމަ & ލިންކް
العربية 💅 طلاء أظافر
Azərbaycan 💅 dırnaq laklamaq
Български 💅 Лак за нокти
বাংলা 💅 নেল পলিশ
Bosanski 💅 lakiranje noktiju
Čeština 💅 lak na nehty
Dansk 💅 neglelak
Deutsch 💅 Nagellack
Ελληνικά 💅 βάψιμο νυχιών
English 💅 nail polish
Español 💅 pintarse las uñas
Eesti 💅 küünelakk
فارسی 💅 لاک زدن
Suomi 💅 kynsilakka
Filipino 💅 nail polish
Français 💅 vernis à ongles
עברית 💅 מריחת לק
हिन्दी 💅 नेल पॉलिश
Hrvatski 💅 lak za nokte
Magyar 💅 körömlakk
Bahasa Indonesia 💅 poles kuku
Italiano 💅 smalto per unghie
日本語 💅 マニキュアを塗る手
ქართველი 💅 ფრჩხილების ლაქი
Қазақ 💅 маникюр
한국어 💅 매니큐어
Kurdî 💅 manicure
Lietuvių 💅 nagų lakas
Latviešu 💅 nagu laka
Bahasa Melayu 💅 pengilat kuku
ဗမာ 💅 လက်သည်း ဆိုးဆေး
Bokmål 💅 neglelakk
Nederlands 💅 nagellak
Polski 💅 lakier do paznokci
پښتو 💅 مینیکیور
Português 💅 esmalte de unha
Română 💅 ojă pe unghii
Русский 💅 маникюр
سنڌي 💅 مينيڪيور
Slovenčina 💅 lakovanie nechtov
Slovenščina 💅 lak za nohte
Shqip 💅 manikyr
Српски 💅 лак за нокте
Svenska 💅 nagellack
ภาษาไทย 💅 สีทาเล็บ
Türkçe 💅 oje sürme
Українська 💅 лак для нігтів
اردو 💅 مینیکیور
Tiếng Việt 💅 sơn móng tay
简体中文 💅 涂指甲油
繁體中文 💅 指甲油