“💨” މާނަ: dashing away Emoji
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💨 މާނަ އަދި ތަޢާރަފު
A tailwind💨This emoji represents a fast-moving tailwind, and is often used to express speed🏃, swiftness🏃♂️, or running away. It is often used in fast-moving situations or when you need to act quickly. It is used to express going fast or running.
ㆍRelated emojis 🏃♂️ running person, 🏎️ racing car, ⚡ lightning
ㆍRelated emojis 🏃♂️ running person, 🏎️ racing car, ⚡ lightning
Wind emoji | movement emoji | running emoji | speed emoji | breathing emoji | gushing emoji
💨 ބައްދަލުކުރަން މިވަގުތައް
ㆍI'm running so fast that I'm caught in the wind💨
ㆍI have to go quickly💨
ㆍI want to meet you quickly💨
ㆍI have to go quickly💨
ㆍI want to meet you quickly💨
💨 އެމޯޖިއްޔާ އަދި އެއްމީ އެމޯޖިއްޔާ
💨 އައްތަރާފް
Emoji: | 💨 |
ކުރި ނަމަ: | dashing away |
އެޕަލް ނަމަ: | gust of wind |
ކޯޑް ޕޮއިންޓް: | U+1F4A8 ކޮޕީ |
ކެޓެގަރީ: | 😂 Smileys & Emotion |
ސަބްކެޓެގަރީ: | 💋 emotion |
ކީވޯޑް: | comic | dash | dashing away | running |
Wind emoji | movement emoji | running emoji | speed emoji | breathing emoji | gushing emoji |