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“🪅” މާނަ: piñata Emoji

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🪅 މާނަ އަދި ތަޢާރަފު
Piñata🪅This emoji represents a piñata and is mainly used in conversations related to parties🎉, festivals🎊, and play🧸. Piñatas are used at parties and festivals and are one of children's favorite pastimes. It is mainly used at birthday parties🎂 or special events.

ㆍRelated emojis 🎉 congratulations, 🎂 cake, 🎁 gift

Piñata emoji | traditional Mexican emoji | party emoji | festival emoji | candy emoji | children playing emoji
🪅 ބައްދަލުކުރަން މިވަގުތައް
ㆍI broke the piñata at a birthday party🪅
ㆍI played piñata with my friends🪅
ㆍI got the candy inside the piñata🪅

🪅 އެމޯޖިއްޔާ އަދި އެއްމީ އެމޯޖިއްޔާ
🪅 އައްތަރާފް
Emoji: 🪅
ކުރި ނަމަ:piñata
ކޯޑް ޕޮއިންޓް:U+1FA85 ކޮޕީ
ކެޓެގަރީ:⚽ Activities
ސަބްކެޓެގަރީ:🎯 game
ކީވޯޑް:celebration | party | piñata
Piñata emoji | traditional Mexican emoji | party emoji | festival emoji | candy emoji | children playing emoji
ބަދަލުކުރަން 10
👏 clapping hands ކޮޕީ
🐄 cow ކޮޕީ
🐕 dog ކޮޕީ
🌵 cactus ކޮޕީ
🍬 candy ކޮޕީ
🌈 rainbow ކޮޕީ
🌟 glowing star ކޮޕީ
🧸 teddy bear ކޮޕީ
🪁 kite ކޮޕީ
🇲🇽 flag: Mexico ކޮޕީ
ބައިވަރު ވިއުރި އިމެޖުތައް 8
🪅 އެދި ބައެއްކުރާ ބަޔަކަށް